Monologue — “The Occupy Movement in America”
Adam’s begins the show with his signature Monologue on the “Occupy Movement” being our time to make a difference in America.
Adam talks with American Climate Activist Emily James about her film “Just do it.” The film takes a look at political acitvism in the UK and how it mirrors the “Occupy MOvement” in the US.Emily’s website can be found at
Adam’s second guest is producer Christopher Hird of the film “The War You Didn’t See” by John Pilger. The film explores the media’s role in war journalism and investigates whether journalists are merely reporting propaganda that is being fed to them by the state.
Adam talks with musical guests Brihanu (a.k.a. Brain Lozenski) and Christopher Cox from Junkyard Empire. Junkyard Empire ia a politically conscious hip-hop, rock, and jazz band from St. Paul Minnesota.